Perennial climbing plants

Perennial climbing plants for creating a hedge, decorating a gazebo or pergola.

 Fiveleaved Ivy "Don Juan" (Virginia Creeper, Woodbine)
Virginia Creeper "Don Juan" - Parthenocissus quinquefolia. Elegant and voluminous screens! Ornamental leaves. A valuable and most popular large climbing liana for vertical gardening, growing up to 15-20 m in height. Young shoots are..
Bleeding heart "Golden Tears"
Bleeding heart "Golden Tears" - Dicentra scandens. Old-fashioned climbing perennial bears strings of yellow heart-shaped flowers. Prefers rich, moist soil in semi-shaded areas with morning sun. Perfect for the woodland garden. Nice for pla..
Chinese Magnolia Vine "Volgar"
Chinese Magnolia Vine "Volgar" - Schizandra chinensis. Schizandra chinensis is considered a valuable medicinal plant and is second only to ginseng in importance. In China, it is known as an elixir of vitality, giving vigor and youth. Tran..
Clematis fusca
Clematis fusca. Very winter-hardy, fast-growing perennial vine. The shape and colour of the flowers: purple-violet bells. Natural flowering period: July - August. The height of a flowering plant is 150 cm (up to 250 cm). Winter hardiness zones: ..
Climbing Monkshood "Red Wine" (Wolfbane, Helmet Flower)
Climbing Monkshood "Red Wine" (Helmet Flower, Venus Chariot, Wolfbane) - Aconitum hemsleyanum. Family: Ranunculaceae. Features: Climbing Aconitum with hooded, dark wine-red blossoms. History: Some Aconitum species with toxic alkaloids we..
European Birthwort (Osterluzei)
European birthwort (Osterluzei) - Aristolochia clematitis. Garlands of original “jug” flowers! Name: comes from the Greek “aristos” - best and “lochein” - birth. In ancient times, the plant was consider..
Fragrant Virgin's Bower
Fragrant Virgin's Bower - Clematis flammula. Perennial vine up to 2 m high. The flowers are white, with a strong fragrance (reminiscent of almonds mixed with vanilla). Vigorous climber, covered with a cloud of fragrant, star-shaped, white flow..
Golden Clematis "Radar Love" (Lemon Peel Clematis, golden virgin's bower)
Lemon Peel Clematis "Radar Love" (Golden Clematis, golden virgin's bower) - Clematis tangutica. Beautifully flowering perennial liana with drooping bright yellow inflorescences up to 4 cm in diameter. Origin: Mongolia and China. ..
Italian vine bower (Italian Leather Flower) Clematis viticella
Italian Leather Flower (Italian vine bower) - Clematis viticella. Sea of flowers! Frost and disease resistant! Vigorous perennial climber from the Ranunculaceae family. Origin: Southern Europe, sometimes Central Europe (mountainous regions, forest..
Japanese clematis
Japanese clematis - Clematis stans. A hardy and easy to care for perennial herbaceous plant. This clematis is not able to cling to a support on its own, so the shoots are tied up. From August to September, the liana is covered with numerous pale b..
Leatherleaf clematis (sweet autumn virginsbower, yam-leaved clematis)
Sweet autumn virginsbower - Clematis paniculata. Frost-resistant climbing vine. Flowering plant height: 200-500 cm. Origin: New Zealand. Flower color: pure white. Natural flowering period: August - October. Winter hardiness zones: Z5 - Z9. Soi..
Old Man's Beard (Traveller's Joy)
Traveller's Joy (Old Man's Beard) - Clematis vitalba. A bunch of pearly flowers! Lush bloom! Vigorous climbing liana, up to 5 meters long. There are 250-1200 flowers on the shoot. The plant is winter-hardy, shade-tolerant and unp..
Perennial peavine "Mix" (everlasting pea)
Perennial sweet pea "Mix" - Lathyrus latifolius. Perennial Climber growing to 2m by 2m at a fast rate. It is hardy to zone 5 and is not frost tender. It is in flower from July to September, and the seeds ripen from August to Octo..
Perennial peavine (Duo mix)
Perennial sweet pea "Duo mix" - Lathyrus latifolius. Perennial Climber growing to 2m by 2m at a fast rate. It is hardy to zone 5 and is not frost tender. It is in flower from July to September, and the seeds ripen from August to ..
Perennial sweet pea "Pink pearl"
Perennial sweet pea "Pink pearl". Physical Characteristics. Perennial Climber growing to 2m by 2m at a fast rate. It is hardy to zone 5 and is not frost tender. It is in flower from July to September, and the seeds ripen from August to Oc..
Scarlet leather flower (Texas clematis, Crimson clematis)
Crimson clematis (Scarlet leather flower, Texas clematis) - Clematis texensis. An amazing gardener's find for vertical gardening. A climbing perennial from the Ranunculaceae family. Origin: North America, Texas (rocky slopes, stream banks..
Upright virgin's bower (Flammula jovis)
Flammula jovis (Upright virgin's bower) - Clematis mandschurica. Homeland: south of the Far East, Northeast China. Herbaceous perennial vine from the Ranunculaceae family. Flower colour: white. The flowers are open, up to 2 cm ..
​​​​​​​Upright virgin's bower "Purpurea" (flammula jovis)
Flammula jovis "Purpurea" (Upright virgin's bower) - Clematis recta. An ornamental climbing perennial from the Ranunculaceae family. Fragrant flower color: white. Flower diameter up to 3.5 cm. Flowering plant height: u..
Showing 1 to 18 of 18 (1 Pages)